Cumpărați Royal Cookies online la cele mai bune prețuri - Cannasmed
Royal Cookies for sale online is a one-of-a-kind cannabis hybrid strain. It mixes a variety of strong Cookies genetics (all from California) to create a well-rounded strain with amazing flavours and fragrances, decent grow qualities, and a big THC punch.
Unele tulpini cu dominanță Indica pot fi prea mult pentru unii utilizatori, determinându-le să devină legate de canapea, somnolență și neproductive. Royal Cookies, pe de altă parte, nu este așa.
This strain has a wonderful, soft body stone with just the right amount of cerebral stimulation. This usually results in a euphoric, joyful high that allows users to deal with social interactions while also remaining motivated and productive. Royal Cookies for sale EU is a great mood lifter, leaving users talkative, energised, and generally in a good mood?average THC concentrations for this strain are around 23%.
Beneficii medicale
In terms of medicinal use, Royal Cookies online Europe may be able to help some people cope with stress and anxiety, as well as some of the symptoms of depression or low mood. Others might find the little physical effects helpful in dealing with pain or insomnia.
Royal Cookies, like other Cookie strains, is prized for their rich aroma and flavour. This strain has a sweet and spicy aroma that reminds me of a batch of freshly made cookies, as the name says. Some people may also detect earthy odours, which are more apparent in the flavour.
Informații de creștere
This strain’s growth qualities are what really show off its indica dominance. The majority of Royal Cookies plants will remain short and bulky with close internodal spacing. During their vegetative periods, the plants tend to buff up and eventually grow into dense bushes. Indoor yields range from 450 to 525 grammes per square metre, and outdoor yields range from 450 to 500 grammes per plant.
Această tulpină necesită condiții calde similare cu cele găsite în California pentru a prospera în aer liber. Plantele vor crește puțin mai înalte în aceste condiții, atingând înălțimi de aproximativ 140-180 cm și producând recolte mari. Mugurii sunt denși și acoperiți generos cu tricomi groși și înghețați, iar timpul de înflorire este în mod normal între 8 și 9 săptămâni.
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