- Sevi
od canmedlog18
Sevi konoplje have been categorized into three primary genetic types: indica, sativa, and hybrid. These classifications mostly describe the plant’s structure. Indica strains are recognized for their squat stature and broad fan leaves. On the other hand, Sativa strains tend to grow tall and spindly, with long, thin fan leaves. Hybrid strains have a wide range of growth characteristics, from bushy to taller heights, and a wide range of leaf variants. While feelings are connected with indica, sativa, and hybrid strains, keep in mind that while their genetics will guide the experiences users have, each strain affects everyone differently, regardless of its label.
For smokers looking for their ideal strain, the variety of cannabis strains might be daunting. There are strains that are very cerebrally active, while others are primarily responsible for physiological effects, and then there are strains that fall somewhere in between. It’s difficult to keep track of all the different flavors, effects, scents, and terpenes that cause them.
Kako izbrati najboljšo sorto konoplje zase, ko je na izbiro toliko? Cannasmed ima odgovore za vas!
Let’s start with a look at the many varieties of the best quality cannabis strains.
Različne vrste sevov konoplje
Cannabis comes in a wide range of varieties. If you’ve ever visited a dispensary, you’re probably familiar with the vast array of strains available, each with its own set of effects and active chemicals. Cannabis strains will contain different active compounds depending on how they were bred.
The mix of THC and CBD in most strains has a role in defining the strain’s effects and potency. This ratio of THC to CBD, for the most part, defines the user’s experience with the strain. The genetics of the plant plays a big role in determining the chemotype of a strain.
Medtem ko večina proizvajalcev določi, ali je sev Sativa, Indica ali Hybrid, le redko navedejo kemotip. Vendar pa vam bo pogled na oznako moči konoplje, ki jo bodo imeli vsi sevi našteti v zakonitih ambulantah, pomagal določiti kemotip.
Indica ali Sativa? (ali hibrid)
Razprava o Indici proti Sativi je ena najstarejših v svetu konoplje. Čeprav obe vrsti konoplje vsebujeta veliko istih spojin, lahko povzročita popolnoma različne učinke.
Verjame se, da so na primer sevi sativa bolj kognitivno dejavni kot njihovi indica sorodniki. Indica, po drugi strani, so sevi konoplje, ki lahko pomagajo pri spanju, lajšanju stresa in zmanjšanju bolečin.
Sativas are your best pick if you’re searching for a strain to help awaken the senses and spark creativity or discourse. Indicas will give you a more mellow and relaxed high, with well-known side effects, including couch-lock and the munchies. Hybrids are also quite popular, as they can provide the best of both worlds, resulting in some unusual and intense experiences.
Če še vedno razmišljate o tem, kje kupiti seve konoplje, potem je Cannasmed originalni dispanzer konoplje, ki je na voljo za vse vas. To je najboljša trgovina za seve konoplje, ki ponuja ogromno paleto visokokakovostnih izdelkov. Povezali se boste lahko z nekaterimi najboljšimi in najbolj izobraženimi kadri prijaznih navdušencev nad konopljo.