Ikseb Tieġ Gelato għall-Bejgħ f'Cannasmed!
Wedding Gelato for sale has a long and complicated breeding history. Wedding Gelato is made up of the strains Wedding Cake and Gelato 33. This is particularly intriguing because Gelato 33 is a rather stable strain, with just minor phenotypic differences distinguishing it from similar strains.
On the other hand, Wedding Cake is a cross between Triangle Kush and Animal Mints, two remarkably different strains. In a way, the Wedding Gelato strain comprises three separate parents, each of whom contributes something unique. Most experienced cannabis users would probably think this was a bad idea because too many parents can muddy the flavour and high. Buy Wedding Gelato online at Cannasmed now!
Il-Ġelat tat-Tieġ għall-bejgħ għandu ħlewwa kważi kbira għall-fwieħa tiegħu. L-intensità tagħha hija kważi sickening, wafting dizzyingly ħelu irwejjaħ li jisbqu sensi tiegħek.
The aroma is lovely, although it sounds nasty. You might be able to imagine the scent of the Wedding Gelato strain if you have ever smelled fresh raw toffee or a drink of extraordinarily sweet hot chocolate.
Ifakkarkom f'lejla kiesħa tax-xitwa, li hija pjuttost komda meta tħoss din ir-razza.
When you split the buds open and taste this strain’s flavour, the first thing you will notice is that it has a lot more depth than just the base sweetness of its fragrance.
Lumi, ħxejjex aromatiċi, u togħma qawwija tal-vanilla, kważi bħal estratt tal-vanilla pur, huma kollha preżenti. Huwa togħma kważi bħal toffee oħxon hekk kif jaħsel fuq ilsienek, għawm fir-rikkezza u t-togħmiet distinti kollha tiegħu.
The buds of Wedding Gelato online are delightfully little, tightly linked together as if wrapped in ribbons. On the other hand, the ribbons are the long, bright pistils that entwine the buds and hold them all together.
Il-weraq huma ta' kulur aħdar uniformi, li jikkuntrastaw mill-isbaħ mal-lewn kemxejn vjola u oranġjo immedjatament taħt il-wiċċ.
You must, however, try to grow your own to grasp the strain’s complexities.
Ordna Tieġ Gelato online f'Malta bl-aħjar prezzijiet bħalissa!
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